Mild Shock
2024-12-05 00:22:04 UTC
PermalinkWe are happy to announce a new edition of
the Dogelog player:
- New library(util/tree):
This is the second library we have created that
is based on the change_arg/3 predicate and provides
a non-backtracking capable data structure. This time
we created red-black trees.
- Improved library(aggregate):
First, a new implementation using library(util/tree)
was planned. But we finally decided to use the faster
library(util/hash) together with keysort/2. A new
predicate unnumbervars/3 ensures the creation
of variables.
- bun.js Support:
To use bun.js, we fixed a programming error by
replacing our OS success test with falsy tests (!err).
We found 4 non-critical discrepancies with node.js.
The performance lags slightly behind node.js because
the JavaScript version is older.
Have Fun!
Jan Burse, , 05.12.2024